Varieties and Roles of Trademarks and Symbols, 1973
Varieties and roles of trademarks and symbols was originally published in Volume 1 of Trademarks & Symbols by Yasaburo Kuwayama, and offers an insight into logo design, as it was understood at the time of publishing, 1973.
1. The varieties of trademarks and symbols
Trademarks and symbols may be classified according to their nature as: Trademarks. Service marks, Certification marks, Symbolic marks, Symbols. A trademark, consisting of one or more letters, shapes, designs, or symbols, is affixed to and used in connection with a product. The marks used by enterprises which provide a service rather than produce or sell a product are properly called service marks. Because service marks are used to distinguish one enterprise from another, they are given the same legal protection as are trademarks.
Certification marks may be used only with the consent of the governmental agency. Public body. Industrial organization, or other entity which sets the standards for use of the mark. Examples of American certification marks are the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. UL mark.
Symbolic marks are marks selected for use on all products of a company, in order to indicate that they come from a common source, or in order to symbolize the company manufacturing or selling the products. symbolize special events are also within the category of symbol marks. In the sense of being abstractions. Symbols are in the public domain, but there are also symbols which are used for corporate or public campaigns.
2. The roles of marks and symbols
Marks and symbols are expressions of the social individuality of the enterprises which use them. In addition to distinguishing the enterprise from others, a mark or symbol, in the field of manufacturing, ו the mak er's guarantee of the quality of his product, and thus has a responsible role in society.
Because marks and symbols back up the accomplishments of the enterprise, and must withstand use over lengthy periods of time. they must be designs which in effect lead the company, and lead the times by having a contemporary sense. The use of marks and symbols which are visually impressive and linger in the memory adds aesthetic value to the products they enhance. They are image makers for their users.